
Filtering by: Students

PJ's & Pop-Tarts
9:00 AM09:00

PJ's & Pop-Tarts

Daylight Saving Time is beginning on March 9, so we wanted to make the morning a little easier for your family as you "spring forward" one hour. Your child is invited to wear their PJ’s to Summit Kids and get a Pop-Tart for breakfast! Pop-Tarts will also be available for students in the student section. We hope to see you there.

Have questions? Contact Family Ministry Director Hayley Schuchardt.

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Faith In College Seminar
9:30 AM09:30

Faith In College Seminar

11th & 12th grade students are invited to join us on February 22 at 9:30am for a time of teaching and advice on having faith in college. Kolby Allen, a College Ministry Pastor, will be joining us to teach upperclassmen about how they can maintain and grow their faith as they head into the next part of their lives. Coffee and breakfast will be provided!

Questions? Contact Student Ministry Coordinator, Cole Jennings.

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Donut Sunday
9:00 AM09:00

Donut Sunday

Let’s celebrate an extra hour of sleep with donuts in kids and student ministry! Sunday, November 3 time falls back. Remember to change your clocks and get a donut in kids ministry, or if you’re a student, in the student section at 10:30am service. This will be a sweet way for kids and students to remember the time change!

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Camp Celebration
9:00 AM09:00

Camp Celebration

Join us to celebrate camp!

We want to celebrate the way God moved in our students' lives this summer. Join us at the 9am or 10:30am service on Sunday, August 11 to go over life-changing transformations, witness baptisms, and celebrate our students' commitment to growing in their faith!

There will not be Summit Kids programming for K-5th grade or the Chapel service, bring the whole family to camp celebration in the worship center instead!

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Family Ministry Serve Night
6:00 PM18:00

Family Ministry Serve Night

Kindergarten through 12th graders are invited to serve at The Summit on Tuesday, November 14! From 6pm-7:30pm kids and students will help with several different mission projects, including helping build boxes for our Thanksgiving grocery delivery. Sign up online if your child plans to be there!

Have questions? Contact Family Ministry Coordinator Hayley Schuchardt.

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Fright Night
6:00 PM18:00

Fright Night

Come out to The Gathering Wednesday, October 25 for an eerie-sistable good time! This isn't your average halloween party. There will slime, scary fun games, and a ghoulish good time. We will also have free food and so much candy. Make sure to invite a friend (or two) to this spook-tacular night!

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to Sep 6


Double-Dog-Dare-a-Thon is an invite event that is taking place at The Gathering for middle school and high school students. The goal is to provide students a fun opportunity to invite a friend to join them at The Gathering on Wednesday nights! For parents, this is the perfect opportunity for you and your student to begin having conversations about who in their lives they would like to begin sharing their faith with.

The Double-Dog-Dare-A-Thon is happening the week of August 31 - September 6. Students can text “DOUBLEDOG” to the number 97000 to sign up to receive dares via text for challenges to invite their friends to the final event on Wednesday, September 6.

Then, on Wednesday, September 6 at The Gathering, there will be a fun night of dares, games, challenges for all students who attend! There will be prizes including an Amazon gift card drawing, prizes for the students who brought the most new friends (including a pair of custom designed Nikes), free hot dogs, lemonade and so much more.

If you have questions, contact Student Ministry Director, Micah Schuchardt.

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MOVE High School Camp
to Jul 21

MOVE High School Camp

  • John Brown University (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

High school students are headed to Siloam Springs, AR in summer 2023! MOVE is designed to engage students with Bible-based teachings and fun activities while amplifying the call of Jesus on their lives. Students at MOVE not only learn and worship together – they spend quality time with their church groups, discovering ways that God will use them to impact the world. MOVE helps students take their mountaintop experiences beyond the event by challenging them to become Kingdom Workers. It's for high school students currently in 8th-12th grade.

Registration for camp has ended. Have questions? Contact Micah Schuchardt.

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5th of July Party at The Gathering
6:00 PM18:00

5th of July Party at The Gathering

🎉 Join Us for an Epic 5th of July Celebration! 🎆

Attention, all students! Get ready for the most sizzling summer bash of the year! We're throwing a fantastic 5th of July Party at the Gathering, and you're invited to be a part of the incredible festivities. Get ready for an evening filled with hot dogs, bomb pops, and games! This is going to be a super fun night so be sure to invite a friend to come along.

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Custard's Last Stand Student Takeover
2:00 PM14:00

Custard's Last Stand Student Takeover

You're invited to help us takeover and support local businesses in Lee's Summit this summer. Join us at Custard’s Last Stand on June 29 from 2pm-3pm for some time to grab custard, popcorn, and more and hangout together. Have questions? Contact Pastor Chris Chandler at for more information.

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MIX Middle School Camp
to Jun 23

MIX Middle School Camp

  • Southwest Baptist University (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Middle school students are invited to MIX with us this summer! MIX is a week-long experience designed just for 6th-8th grade students. This year, MIX will be taking during the week of June 19-23, 2023.

Students who attend MIX not only learn and worship together – they spend quality time with their church groups, discovering ways that God will use them to impact the world.

These camps are more than just another conference – it’s an experience! It’s an all-inclusive event providing food, lodging, recreational activities and an amazing program designed for specifically for middle school. Each day, your student will have an opportunity to engage in small groups, worship, Bible-based teaching, games and so much more.

MIX is designed for middle school students currently in 6th-7th grade.

Registration for camp has ended. Have questions about MIX? Contact Hayley Schuchardt to learn more.

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High School Guy's Night at The Gathering
5:30 PM17:30

High School Guy's Night at The Gathering

At The Gathering Guys Night, guys will hangout and learn how to change a tire. This event is open to all high school guys and happening in The Summit Church parking lot. There will be FREE pizza and guys will learn a life skill! Sign-up online if you plan to attend! Have questions? Contact Pastor Chris Chandler at

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Student Summer Bible Study
to Jul 13

Student Summer Bible Study

Middle school and high school students are invited to a summer Bible study at The Summit! Beginning on Thursday, June 8 students can join in as we walk through a study called Why Jesus? Culture is blurring the lines between different faiths. It is increasingly difficult for students to grasp how their faith in Jesus Christ is unique. In these four powerful youth Bible study sessions, David Nasser addresses the tough questions that students have about Jesus and points them back to the scriptural truths about our Savior.

This study will take place on Thursdays from 9am-10am on June 8, June 15, June 29, July 6 and July 13. Sign up online today if your student plans to attend!

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Senior Night at The Gathering
6:00 PM18:00

Senior Night at The Gathering

Wednesday, May 17 is Senior Night at The Gathering! We will be celebrating all of our 2023 seniors and all that they have accomplished! Families are invited to join us to celebrate as well.

The Gathering meets on Wednesday nights from 6pm-8pm, and is designed to help high school students build life-changing relationships and figure out who Jesus is, and in the process find life in Him. There’s a time of worship, Bible-based teaching, small groups, and of course a ton of fun!

Have questions? Contact Student Pastor Jake Edwards at

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Student Camp Celebration
6:00 PM18:00

Student Camp Celebration

We know that God will change lives this summer at MIX and MOVE and we are looking forward to celebrating with students and their friends and families. Camp Celebration is on Wednesday, August 10 from 6pm-8pm and anyone is welcome to attend. You'll hear stories and see highlights from camp and even celebrate some student baptisms with us!

Questions? Contact Student Pastor Jake Edwards.

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Student Ministry - Throwback Summer Finale
6:00 PM18:00

Student Ministry - Throwback Summer Finale

On Wednesday, August 3 The Gathering will be meeting at Lowenstein Park in Lee's Summit instead of church as we wrap up the summer long competition, Throwback Summer! Students will gather from 6pm-8pm at the park and that evening, Throwback Summer teams compete for the final grand prize of the summer. Don’t miss this last opportunity to push your Summer Throwback team over the edge and into the championship!

RSVP your student online below if they plan on attending!

Have questions? Contact Student Pastor Jake Edwards.

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Senior Night at The Gathering
6:00 PM18:00

Senior Night at The Gathering

Wednesday, May 11 is Senior Night at The Gathering! We will be celebrating all of our 2022 seniors and all that they have accomplished! Families are invited to join us to celebrate as well.

The Gathering meets on Wednesday nights from 6pm-8pm, and is designed to help middle school and high school students build life-changing relationships and figure out who Jesus is, and in the process find life in Him. There’s a time of worship, Bible-based teaching, small groups, and of course a ton of fun!

Have questions? Contact Student Pastor, Matt Kelley.

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High School Mission Trip
to Mar 26

High School Mission Trip

High school students are headed to Los Angeles, CA during spring break, March 19-26, 2022 to serve and share the Good News of Jesus! We will be partnering with the Dream Center, who works with those who have experienced homelessness, abuse and more. Learn more about the trip below!

There will be an informational meeting about the trip on Sunday, October 3 at 12pm in the Family Commons, located in the Family Ministry Wing.

Have questions? Contact Student Pastor Matt Kelley for more information.

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Christmas Party - Student Ministry
6:00 PM18:00

Christmas Party - Student Ministry

The annual student Christmas Party is Wednesday, December 15 at The Gathering! Students are invited to come for some Christmas fun, hot chocolate, games, snacks and more. We’ll have a gingerbread house contest and be sure to wear your best or worst Christmas sweater to take part in the Christmas sweater contest!

If you have questions, please contact Student Pastor Matt Kelley.

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Halloween Bash - Student Ministry
6:00 PM18:00

Halloween Bash - Student Ministry

7th-12th grade students are invited to a Halloween Bash at The Summit Church! It’s Wednesday, October 27 from 6pm-8pm. There will be a costume contest, prizes, games and more! The best costume will win a $200 Amazon gift card, and students are encouraged to invite their friends.

Have questions? Contact Student Pastor, Matt Kelley.

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Foundations Class - Student Ministry
12:00 PM12:00

Foundations Class - Student Ministry

Every year we offer a confirmation experience for students to learn more about the foundations of their faith. 7th-12th grade students are invited to come dive deeper into their faith, as they learn all about the Bible, the Gospel of Jesus, and so much more. It's a great opportunity for students to understand what it means to follow Jesus!

Sign-up online below.

Questions? Contact Student Pastor Matt Kelley.

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Kingdom Worker Rally - Student Ministry
12:00 PM12:00

Kingdom Worker Rally - Student Ministry

Kingdom Worker Rally is for all middle school and high school students who may be interested in serving at The Summit Church! Even if your student isn't involved in our Student Ministry, we would love for them to be a Kingdom Worker with us. The rally is taking place on Sunday, August 29 from 12pm-12:45pm. At this rally, your student will discover different areas of service opportunities from kids ministry, production team and so much more!

Questions? Contact Student Pastor, Matt Kelley.

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AfterParty: The Final Battle
6:00 PM18:00

AfterParty: The Final Battle

We’re kicking wrapping up our summer of Color Wars at AfterParty: Final Battle. 7th-12th grade students are invited to join us for the final night of Color Wars on Wednesday, August 18 from 6pm-8pm!

This is a great opportunity for students to invite all of their friends and earn points for their team color. There will be outdoor water games, slip ‘n slide kickball and a final Color Wars race to end the night.

There will be FREE t-shirts and the Chick-Fil-A trailer will be available for students to purchase dinner, too!

If you have questions or want to learn more, contact Student Pastor Matt Kelley.

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Middle School & High School Bible Class
10:30 AM10:30

Middle School & High School Bible Class

7th-12th grade students are invited to a 4-week class each Sunday in June during the 10:30am service. The class is called Long Story Short and it is simply an overview of scripture from creation to the fall, and God calling His people to Jesus. This will be an opportunity for students to re-engage in spiritual disciplines and learn on their level some deep truths about the Bible!

This time is designed for students who will be in 7th-12th grade in Fall 2021. The gathering will take place in the former Chapel lobby located in the Family Ministry wing.

If you have questions, please contact Student Pastor Matt Kelley for more information.

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AfterParty: Launch
6:00 PM18:00

AfterParty: Launch

7th-12th grade students and all their friends are invited to AfterParty: Launch on Wednesday, June 2 from 6PM-8PM as we kick off the summer together and welcome the incoming 7th grade class to The Gathering!

• Chick-Fil-A Trailer (bring some money for dinner!)
• Give-a-ways, prizes, photo op
• Outdoor Games: basketball, volleyball, 9-Square & more
• FREE Poppy's Ice Cream
• A special announcement for summer 2021

The Gathering will also be moving into a new worship space at The Summit Church, and this will be the first night we'll meet in the new location. The Chapel space is located on the north side of the building, and all outdoor activities will be located at the northeast lawn.

This event is designed for students to invite their friends to experience The Gathering for the first time, as they invite them to join what God is doing through them at The Summit Church! If you have questions, please contact Matt Kelley.

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