Adult Baptism at The Summit Church — The Summit Church


Baptism is an outward sign of your decision to follow Jesus. Adults can take the step of believer’s baptism as a public declaration of their own personal commitment to Jesus Christ. Baptism signifies that our former way of life has been put to death, and depicts new life of a person who has made a commitment to follow Jesus.

While believer’s baptism is not necessary for salvation, it marks the beginning of the journey of faith and discipleship that lasts throughout a lifetime. In the New Testament, baptism was often the first step of those who placed their trust in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ alone for salvation.

It's a sign of new life through Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. Variously identified as regeneration, new birth, and being born again, this work of grace makes us into new spiritual creatures (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Adults and older children are baptized by sprinkling, pouring or immersion. To discuss believer’s baptism, please contact Associate Pastor, Micah Schuchardt.


Why do you do believer's baptism?

We baptize people who have decided to follow Jesus as a reminder that in Jesus we are a new creation. Baptism is a powerful symbol of the rebirth and newness that comes when we put our trust in Jesus.

What if I have been baptized, but would like to be baptized again?

Since we view baptism as a gift from God we do not believe there is ever a need to be re-baptized. God got it right the first time, regardless of who else participated, when, or where it happened. We recognize and honor all Christian baptisms. We do, however, offer a “Renewal of Baptism” opportunity, on request and after a conversation with one of our pastors.

I'm not a member of The Summit Church, can I be baptized?

Reach out to us and let’s chat! Please contact Associate Pastor, Micah Schuchardt.