Following Jesus is more than just Sunday morning, it’s a lifestyle.
Church gatherings are looking a little different right now. Churches all over the world are suspending regular in-person gatherings, but that doesn’t mean church is canceled. As followers of Jesus, we are the Church. So, how can we stay connected even if we don’t meet in person? And how can we serve others when we can’t physically be near them?
Here’s a few tips for you and your family:
Church Online
Engaging in church from home is not a new thing. Check out this scripture from Apostle Paul who helped lead the early church when it essentially only met in homes.
Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near. Hebrews 10:24-25 NLT
Here are some ideas:
Attend church online each weekend - As the phrase social distancing becomes a normal term, we know that we can still be social and connected even if we’re physically apart. We can keep meeting together digitally. You are always invited to one of our church online services, but don’t just attend by yourself. You can invite your friends, family, or anyone to watch online with you. Click here to watch online.
Meet with your group digitally - If you’re in a group, now is a great time to revisit what it means to be a group of people following Jesus together. Why you connect remains the same no matter how you connect. If you need help finding a group, or to discover ways for your group to meet via video, contact our Connections Director, Chris Chandler.
Stay connected - We have several ways for you to stay connected with our church family during the week. Join our Community Facebook Group to stay in contact with other people and encourage one another.
Pray for our church family - Check out our online Prayer Wall to pray for our church family, or leave a prayer request of your own.
Spend time in God’s Word - We’re walking through the New Testament as a church this year, and it’s not too late to begin. You can find the reading plan online here, and start with us today. Don’t forget to join in on the conversation on our New Testament Facebook group, too!
Keep your kids engaged - We’ve got digital experiences for kids and students too! Kids can worship and hear about God’s love for them on Sundays at 10am on YouTube or the Summit Kids Facebook page. 7th-12th grade students can tune into our Summit Student’s YouTube channel on Wednesdays at 6:30pm.
Church is more than sunday morning
We don’t just go to church; we are the Church. That means being FOR our community and loving our neighbors right where we are. But how do we do that right now? The best way to discover the needs of your neighbor is by simply reaching out and ask how they’re doing. Here are some other ideas for being the Church right where you are:
FaceTime or call your friends and family. As people are practicing social distancing, seeing your face and/or hearing your voice will go a long way for their well-being, as it will yours. Talk about anything and everything, especially if it doesn’t have to do with world events.
Call people you know who are vulnerable. Elderly, asthmatic, organ-transplant recipients, those living with MS, HIV, cancer, diabetes, etc… ask how they are feeling. Listen to them, pray for them, and ask if there’s anything they need.
Give. God has blessed many of us with margin—both financially and with our time. Look for ways to be generous with your family, friends, your church, and neighbors.
Look for needs on social media. There are a lot of community pages sharing physical needs in our city. Or maybe someone needs encouragement, prayer, or someone just to be kind to them.
Call parents you know. With school being online, there could be some moms and dads struggling with the new reality of working from home and balancing homework with their kids. Sometimes just talking with another adult helps.
Pray specifically. Pray for a vaccine that works. Pray for healing and protection for your neighbors all around the world. Pray for God to show you when, where, and how to act.
Share Your Church Experience
#FORLS Will you do us a favor and help us discover your story by posting about your experiences with church at home? You can do this by tagging your post with this hashtag: #FORLS or tagging @summitchurchls on Facebook & Instagram.
You can share stories of church at home or being the Church where you are. You can also follow the hashtag to be encouraged with other people’s stories! Want to share a little hope on social media? Share the content we are posting on our Facebook & Instagram pages, share your own personal stories of overcoming fear, anxiety and finding peace, and invite people to attend church online with you.