Discover how you can make an even greater impact on helping people follow Jesus & find life.
We consider it a blessing that you are exploring how we can see God do “Even Greater” things during this unique season. The Greater campaign will end on May 31, 2020. To date we have received gifts totaling 120% of the total amount pledged. That is truly a gift from God. With the end of this campaign in sight, the wheels were turning to launch a new campaign to help us keep faith with the bank, as well as continue to advance the mission of the church. Due to the current economic and public health crisis, those plans have been put on hold.
While a new campaign will not launch until 2021, we still have a monthly obligation to the bank to make ongoing payments on the interest and principle of our mortgage. Over the next 12 months that will total $560,000.
Will you consider extending your generous giving for the 12 month period?
If you are able to continue giving at the level you committed for the Greater campaign, the “Even Greater” initiative will enable us to pay our mortgage and make continued improvements to our online ministries over the next 12 months. And if you’ve never made a gift to the capital campaign initiatives at The Summit Church, there has never been a better time to jump in.
Please use the links below to make a commitment to the campaign, or to give a gift to continue the impact The Summit Church is having in our community and around the world.
If you have any questions, please let us know. Just send an email to
You are a blessing.