Compassion Project Image

Every Christmas season, we team up with Crittenton Children's Center, Hillcrest Transitional Housing and Lee's Summit Elementary to make a difference in the lives of local kids and families who won't have much (due to finances, challenges, etc) for Christmas. We want to make an impact in their lives & we could use YOUR help!

Choose to sponsor a child or family from one of these locations below:


Another way to be a part of Compassion Project is providing "Stocking Stuffers" for kids at Crittenton Children's Center. You will sign up below and a list of suggested items to purchase will be provided.


As a part of Compassion Project, we will also be collecting a list of hygiene items on December 2 & 3! It's super easy for you to help us. All you need to do is purchase toothbrushes, toilet paper & Kleenexes, put the items in a trash bag and leave the bag at your rear car bumper during any of the weekend services over December 2 & 3. A team of volunteers will collect the bags throughout the parking lot during the worship services.

Together, we want to take the love we have in Jesus and spread it through our Compassion Project. Will you help us love on others and make a difference in their lives?

If you have any questions about these projects, Contact Missions Coordinator Pam Reilly.