How to Harness the Power of the Holy Spirit

Have you ever wondered why some meals taste better the longer they cook? Or why certain dishes are worth the hours of preparation? As a barbecue enthusiast, I can tell you that the most mouthwatering brisket doesn't happen by accident. It takes time, effort, and patience. But here's the thing: the same principle applies to our spiritual lives.

Welcome to our new sermon series, Waymakers. Over the next few weeks, we're going to explore how the process of preparing a delicious barbecue mirrors the journey of spiritual growth. Today, we're focusing on one big idea: An investment in the present pays off in the future.

The Art of Spiritual Preparation

Just as trimming and seasoning a brisket is the unglamorous but crucial first step in barbecue, our spiritual lives often require some initial work that may not seem exciting. But remember, if you don't start soon enough, you don't end up with what you are hoping to receive.

This concept isn't new. In fact, we see it right at the beginning of the early church. In Acts 1:8, Jesus tells his followers, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you." He's promising them something amazing, but it requires preparation and patience.

The Power of the Holy Spirit

Now, I know the idea of the Holy Spirit can be intimidating. Some traditions even call it the "Holy Ghost," which doesn't exactly make it sound inviting! But here's the truth: the Holy Spirit is the power we need for daily living.

Think about it like this: Have you ever tried to keep a New Year's resolution on willpower alone? How did that work out? The reality is, if you're going to be different this time next year than you are today, you cannot do it on willpower alone. You need the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life to encourage you, to take the steps, to embolden you in the moments when it's hard and to give you courage to keep on going.

Holy Spirit

Connecting to the Power Source

Let me illustrate this with a story about flashlights. My mom used to give us flashlights every Christmas, worried about our safety. But here's the thing: a flashlight stored away in a closet, never used, eventually loses its power. That's why she started giving us hand-powered flashlights.

But here's the catch: the hand-powered flashlight, relying on our own strength, is never as bright or long-lasting as the one connected to a proper power source. It's the same with our spiritual lives. When we try to go it alone, we're like that hand-powered flashlight, struggling to shine. But when we connect to God's power through the Holy Spirit, we shine brighter and longer.

Five Practices for Spiritual Growth

So, how do we tap into this power? At our church, we focus on five practices that help us experience God's power in our lives:

1. Praying: Make prayer your first response, not your last resort.

2. Growing: Commit to ongoing spiritual nourishment, not just a weekly "fill-up."

3. Giving: Practice generosity to experience God's faithfulness.

4. Serving: Invest your time in making a difference for others.

5. Inviting: Always make room for one more person to experience God's love.

These practices aren't magical, but they help us turn our hearts to God and create space for His power in our lives.

Putting It Into Practice

As we continue this series, I challenge you to think about how you can incorporate these practices into your life. Just like preparing a brisket, it might not always be glamorous, but the end result will be worth it.

Remember, an investment in the present pays off in the future. So, let's start trimming and seasoning our spiritual lives today. Who knows? You might just end up with a faith that's as rich and satisfying as a perfectly smoked brisket.

Let's pray that we may “receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us" (Acts 1:8) as we commit to these practices. Together, we can become true Waymakers, preparing the path for our own growth and for others to experience the transformative power of the Gospel.